Basic Skills in Visualising Data and Exploratory Data Analysis Using R
Basic Skills in Visualising Data and Exploratory Data Analysis Using R:
an online book

Basic Skills in Visualising Data and Exploratory Data Analysis Using R is an online interactive book that presents all materials covered in the course. The slides, R code and output, YouTube tutorials are all part of the book. Links in the book will lead you to the relevant material. If your internet connection is not fast, it is recommended to download the PDF version of the book and to use it offline.
The book covers the topics of EDA in univariate and multivariate datasets.
Online interactive book: univariate datasets
This part of the book presents different visualisation/exploratory methods and tools for univariate data. We focus on the location, spread and shape of a sample distribution. Topics cover in this part include:
Stem-and-leaf and the 5 numbers summary.
Dotplot, stripplot, histograms and density plot.
Boxplot and violin plot
qqplot and qqnormal plots.
Online interactive book: multivariate datasets
This part of the book presents different visualisation/exploratory methods and tools for bivariate and multivariate data. We focus on association and correlation structure between variables in the data and the trend over time (in both location and spread) for longitudinal data. In addition, we discuss tools for visualisation of a distribution across factor levels. Topics cover in this part include:
Conditional plots.
Scatterplots and scatterplot matrix.
Scatterplot smoothers and estimation of trend.
Correlation matrix plots.
Subject profile plots.