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This course is focused on visualization and exploratory tools for data analysis using R. We cover the following topics:

  • Visualizing and exploring univariate datasets:

    • Stem-and-leaf diagram and the 5 numbers summary.

    • Dotplot.

    • Boxplot and violin plot.

    • Quantile plot.

    • Normal probability plot.

    • Density estimate and histogram,

  • Bivariate and multivariate datasets:

    • Scaterplot and smoothers.

    • Exploring correlation structures.

    • Visualization for longitudinal data.

    • Conditional plots.

  • Clustering.

  • Biclustering.

A general information about the course materials is given below. All course materials are available online and can be download for free, registration and password are not needed. 

​For most of the graphical illustrations we use the basic graphical functions in R and the R packages: ggplot2 and lattice.


General information about the course , references, online resources, course materials and the study methods used in the course.


In this  page, the course is presented in a typical slides format. The course consists of 4 chapters for which the slides are available online and can be downloaded for free. All examples are implemented in R. 

Online interactive book

In this page, the course is presented in a book format. The book contains all the materials presented in the slides and R code and output are a part of the book.

The >eR-BioStat initiative

This course was developed as a part of the >eR-BioStat initiative. More courses can be found in

Follow us on FACEBOOK and Twitter: 

Course developer: Ziv Shkedy.


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