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The >eR-BioStat Platfom


The >eR-Biostat platform, offers free online course materials in (bio)statistics & data science in all education levels for non statisticians, undergraduate and master students in (bio)statistics in developing countries. The materials for the courses, that are publicly available, consist of several types:

  • Slides, ready to be given in class, and online books for the course.

  • R programs, ready to use, which contain all data and R code for the all examples and illustrations discussed in the course.

  • YouTube tutorials.

  • Online tutorials.

The courses are organized in clusters. The Introductory courses aim to train users in data analysis using R at a beginner level. These courses were developed for undergraduate students, both non statisticians and statisticians. The courses within this cluster can also be used as courses to support R usage in undergraduate programs in bio(statistic) & data science. The Basic courses' cluster provides courses at an intermediate level and a basic knowledge in statistics and R are required in order to follow the courses. The courses within this cluster can be also used as training courses for non-statisticians and as courses to support R usage in under graduate programs in (bio)statistic. The advanced courses were developed at a master level in (bio)statistics.

A presentation that provides more details about the >eR-BioStat platform is available here:

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