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Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) is us. We are committed to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote sustainable learning opportunities for all.

The >eR-Biostat initative: a (very) short introduction

The E-learning system, developed as a part of the >eR-Biostat initiative, offers free online course materials in statistics in all education levels for non statisticians, undergraduate and master students in (bio)statistics in developing countries. All courses are ready to be given in the class. The materials for a typical course, that are publicly available, consist of several types:

  • Notes for the course.

  • Slides for the course.

  • R programs, ready to use, which contain all data and R code for the all examples and illustrations discussed in the course.

  • Online books, online tutorials and YouTube tutorials.


We are committed to the principle of open education and we provide, as much as we can, the source files that were used to produce the slides/books for the courses.

A Bit More About Us

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