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LDA analysis using R: online materials

Online books, online tutorials and YouTube tutorials

This page contains the practical sessions of the course and it consists of three types of materials:

Online books:

Three online books that cover the topic of linear mixed models in R in html format.

Online tutorials:

Two tutorials (PDF) in notes format which give details about linear mixed models in R. The R code is a part of the documents available for this part.


Three YouTube tutorials which cover different topics about linear mixed model  in R. 

Online books
Jonathan Rosenblatt (2019)
Online Tutorials
Notes (Beats et al. 2015)
Notes (Starkweather)
Mixed models in R
(host:​ Christoph Scherber)
Mixed models in  R
(host: Liquid Brain)
Mixed models  in R
(host: Matthew E. Clapham)
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