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The eR-BioStat ITP: Development of local E-learning platforms in (bio)statistics.



Online materials for the Workshops & Short Courses

International symposium on current trends in modeling and software development in data science and Statistics.
Cape Town, South Africa
Applied generalized linear models using  R.
Visayas State University, The Philipinnes

Look at the GLM page in the >eR-BioStat webpage

Foundations for inference using R

Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Rmf file: reporting (BMI)
Worddoc (BMI)
Slides: reporting (BMI)
Machine learning  for real world data and the >eR-BioStat platform,
Moi University, Kenya
Current Trends in Epidemiology, Statistical Analysis, and Qualitative Research in Healthcare: Bridging Data and Insights
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Hanoi, Vietnam

The >eR-BioStat Platform

About us

What is an International Training Program (ITP) ? 



The eR-BioStat ITP project:

Biostatistics and Statistics are the building stones which are essential for scientific research work. Without good and wide knowledge of Biostatistics and Statistics (from here onward we use (bio)statistics), the research output is typically of low quality and could be misleading.  Many capacity building projects, some even granted by VLIR-UOS, were devoted to capacity building of (bio)statistics via the development of new education programs in the South. However, typically, after the end of the project and the project budget, it becomes difficult to maintain the project deliverables and to maintain the education program developed within the project in the same quality level. The eR-BioStat ITP project is developed to overcome this problem and to ensure a sustainable and robust education program for (bio)statistics in the south by providing an E-learning platform which offers (free) education materials, ready to be used in the class, in (bio)statistics. Further, within the eR-BioStat ITP project we will train the participants from three countries, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa (12 local universities in total) to develop their local version of the >eR-BioStat platform and in this way we will increase ownership and sustainability of the project outcome in the South after the end of the project. The output of the eR-BioStat ITP project can be easily transferred to local universities that are not included in the current project.


Collaborators and Partners institutes:




  • Moi University, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computing.

  •  Karatina University, The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science.

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) ,The department of Statistics and actuarial science. 

  • Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, department of statistics.




  • University of Gondar,Department of Epidemiology and Statistics.

  •  Ambo University, The department of statistics.

  • Arba Minch University, The Department of Statistics. 

  • Debre Berhan University (DBU), Statistics Department.


South Africa:


  • University of Pretoria, Department of Statistics.

  • SA-MRC

  • University of Witwatersrand

  • Stellenbosch University (SU), the division of epidemiology and biostatistics.

  • The University of Venda, The Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences.

  • The University of Zululand (UNIZULU), The Department of Mathematical Science.




  • Hasselt University, Belgium.


Project’s Coordinators:




The >eR-BioStat platform:


The >eR-BioStat initiative is a web based platform, developed by the project promoters (and many others), that offers a platform for a collection of fully developed courses in Biostatistics/Statistics, ready to be given in the class.


Example on one course:


This course is an introductory course to R and can be given as a one\two-days workshop or as a course of 2-3 classes (3 hours per class). All topics in the course are presented at a basic level. Only a limited knowledge in R is required. Topics covered in the course include.


Open source approach in education:


We are committed to an “open source” approach which implies that all course materials are available online, including the source files that were used to prepare the course materials. For example, for each course we will provide PDF files with the slides but also the Power-point files as well, etc.



Contact us

Contact persons for the eR-BioStat ITP project:


Ann Mawangi (Moi University, Kenya, Project’s coordinator)


Tadesse Awoke (Gondar University, Ethiopia)


Samuel Manda (University of Pretoria, South Africa)


Tarylee Reddy (SA-MRC)


Tobais Chirwa (Wits University, South Africa)


Ziv Shkedy (Hasselt University, Belgium,Project’s coordinator)




Link to VLIR-UOS website

DSI, UHasselt:


Link to DSI website


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