Short course:
Foundations of inference (one population) using R
Organized jointly by the ICP connect (UHasselt) and the >eR-BioStat ITP
Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam

/ about
About the course:
The course covers basic concepts in inference for numerical data of one population. The course is given in a basic level (in both statistics and R).
Materials which are presented in the online book that was developed for this course were based on Chapter 4 and Section 5.1 of the book Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences by Julie Vu and David Harrington.
The VLIR-UOS International Training Program: the eR-BioStat ITP - Development of local E-learning platforms in (bio)statistics
Biostatistics and Statistics are the building stones which are essential for scientific research work. Without good and wide knowledge of Biostatistics and Statistics (from here onward we use (bio)statistics), the research output is typically of low quality and could be misleading. Many capacity building projects are devoted to capacity building of (bio)statistics via the development of new education programs in the South. However, typically, after the end of the project and the project budget, it becomes difficult to maintain the project deliverables and to maintain the education program developed within the project in the same quality level. The eR-BioStat ITP project is developed to overcome this problem and to ensure a sustainable and robust education program for (bio)statistics in the south by providing an E-learning platform which offers (free) education materials, ready to be used in the class, in (bio)statistics. Further, within the eR-BioStat ITP project we train the participants from different countries to develop their local version of the >eR-BioStat platform and in this way we will increase ownership and sustainability of the project outcome in the South after the end of the project. The output of the eR-BioStat ITP project can be easily transferred to local universities that are not included in the current project.
Information about other eR-BioStat ITP workshops:
Link to our workshop schedule.

A link to all course materials is available here
Introduction: steps in data analysis
Analysis of numerical data: point estimators and interval estimates
Visualization tool
Interval estimates.
Inference for numerical data for one population
12:00-14:00: Lunch break
Inference for numerical data for one/two population(s)
15:30-15:45 Break.
Inference for numerical data for one/two population(s)
Questions and discussion.
Link to course materials:
To download the course materials use the link in the course website. For other courses, look at the >eR-Biostat website.,
Contact person >eR-Biostat platform:
Contact persons for the workshop
CONTACT persons for the ICP connect program in UHasselt
Jade Membrebe (UHasselt, Belgium)
Email: jade.membrebe@uhasselt.be
Niel Hens (UHasselt, Belgium)
Email: niel.hens@uhasselt.be
Master of Statistics and Data Science in UHasselt ?
More information available here,