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Basic concepts in statistical inference
using R
Basic concepts in statistical inference using R: online materails
Online tutorials and YouTube tutorials
This page consists of two types of materials:
Online tutorials:
Five tutorials (HTML) in notes format which give details about basic inference (one & two sample tests) using R. The R code is a part of the documents available for this part.
Six YouTube tutorials which cover different topics basic statistical inference using R: one and two-samples t-test and Wilcoxon test for independent and paired data.
Online tutorials (html)
Daniel J Carter (2021)
One-Sample t Test & Confidence Interval in R with Example
(host: Ladan Hamadani)
R - Paired (two samples) t-test
(host: R Statistics and Research)
One Sample t-test in R and 95% Confidence Intervals
(host: Wesley Beckwith)
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in R with Example (paired data)
(host: Mark Martin)
Two sample t-test in R Studio
(host: Charlene McCord)
Mann Whitney U /Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in R with Example (independent data)
(host: Mark Martin)
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