Basic concepts in statistical inference
using R
About the course
This course presents the basic concepts of hypothesis testing for single comparison & multiple comparisons.
The course is based on an online course which was developed by Marc Lavielle within his initiative statistics in action with R (http://sia.webpopix.org/).
The course structure:
Single comparison
Student’s t-test
One sample t-test
One sided test
Two sided test
Confidence interval for the mean
Two samples t-test
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
The limited role of the p-value
Equivalence tests
Multiple comparisons:
Distribution of the p-values
The Bonferroni correction
Permutation test
Controlling the False Discovery Rate
Detecting associations
A Monte Carlo simulation
General information about the course
Course materials include:
Slides for classes (in PDF format).
PowerPoint file for the slides (only single comparison).
R programs for the course.
Online tutorial and YouTube materials.
As a student in the course, you can use the slides, R programs and online materials:
Click on the button Topics. This will take you to a page with the slides and online books that cover all topics in the course.
Online tutorials and YouTube tutorials clink on the button Online Tutorials.
As a teachers, you can modify the PowerPoint file and develop your own course.