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Survival analysis using R: labs/practical sessions/tutorials

Labs, online tutorials and YouTube tutorials

This page contains the practical sessions of the course and it consists of three types of materails:


Five labs with exercises (PDF) about the topics covered in the course and their solutions (PDF and Rmd). Topics that are covered in the lads include:

  • Estimation.

  • Inference.

  • CoxPH models.

  • Power and sample size calculation.

Online tutorials:

Three tutorials (PDF and HTML) in notes format which give details about survival analysis using R. The R code is a part of the documents available for this part.


Three YouTube tutorials which cover different topics in survival analysis in R.  The first YouTube tutorial, Survival Analysis in R by Ryan Womack, consists of 7 videos which cover the following topics:

  • Introduction.

  • Exploring data.

  • Survival objects, Kaplan-Meier curves. 

  • Fitting distributions to data.

  • Confidence Intervals and Differential Plots.

  • Cox Proportional Hazards Model and Residuals.

  • Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Model.

Note that the last topic is not covered in the course’s slides.


Cox PH model (1)
Sample size and Power
Cox PH model (2)
Online Tutorials
Notes (Diez, 2013)
Notes (Fox, 2008)
Notes (Alessio Crippa)
Survival Analysis in R
(host: Ryan Womack)
Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis
(host: Phil Chan)
Survival Analysis in R (host: Ani Katchova)
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