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About the course

This course presents the basic concepts of linear regression. This is an online course which was developed by Marc Lavielle within his initiative statistics in action with R ( All R code for the examples presented in the course is available online. Slides which cover most of the materials presented in the course are available.

The course structure:

  • Introduction

  • Fitting polynomial models

    • Fitting a polynomial of degree 0

    • Fitting a polynomial of degree 1

    • Numerical results

    • Some diagnostic plots

    • The predictive performance of the model

    • Confidence interval and prediction interval

    • Fitting a polynomial of degree 2

    • Fitting a polynomial without intercept

    • Using orthogonal polynomials

  • Model comparison

    • t-test

    • Analysis-of-variance (anova)

    • Likelihood ratio test (LRT)

    • Information criteria

  • Data transformation

    • log based tranformations

    • Diagnostic plots

    • Confidence interval and prediction interval

  • Model comparison

General information about the course


Course materials include:

  • Slides for classes (in PDF format).

  • PowerPoint file for the slides.

  • R programs for the example of the course.

  • Online materials.


As a student in the course, you can use the slides, R programs and online materials:

  • Click on the button Topics. This will take you to a page with slides & online book.

  • Online tutorials and YouTube tutorials clink on the button Online Tutorials.


As a teacher, you can modify the PowerPoint file and create your own version of the course.

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