Introduction to Statistical modeling using R
About the course
This group of courses is focused on statistical modelling and developed at an undergraduate level in statistics. Only basic level knowledge of statistics and R is required at the beginning of each course. The courses were developed for both non statisticians and statisticians. The courses within this cluster can also be used as courses to support R usage in undergraduate program in biostatistic/statistics. We provide two sets of courses, each consist of three courses. The first set was developed by the >eR-BioStat team while the second set was developed by Vu & Harrington (https://www.openintro.org/book/biostat/).
The following topics are included:
Simple linear regression using R
This course covers the topic of simple linear regression using the R function lm(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) introduction and model formulation, (2) fitting a simple linear regression model using the lm() function in R, (3) model diagnostic and (4) model diagnostic in R.
One-way ANOVA using R
This course covers the topic of one way ANOVA models using the R function aov(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) the one-way ANOVA model, (2) sources of Variability, (4) One-way ANOVA using R: the aov() function, (5) model formulation and hypotheses testing, (6) model diagnostic in R: normal probability plot and (7) multiple testing.
Logistic Regression using R
This course covers the topic of simple logistic regression using the R function glm(). Topics (all presented at a basic level) covered in the course include: (1) Introduction and example tour, (2) fitting a simple linear logistic regression model using the glm() function in R, (3) model formulation and (4) interpretation of the model parameters.
General information about the course materials
Course materials include
Slides (in PDF) and source files to produce the slides (PP & Rmd).
R program for the examples presented in the course.
Datasets that are used for illustrations (either R datasets or external datasets).
Online interactive books for regression and ANOVA.
YouTube tutorials and online tutorials. Note that these tutorials were not developed especially for this course but they cover the same topics, usually with different examples.
As a student in the course, you can choose between two study methods:
If you prefer the traditional slides approach, you can click on the button Topics. This will take you to a page with 3 chapters that cover all topics in the course. Each chapter has its own slides presentation and an R program contains all the examples used in the course and presented in the slides is available as well.
If you prefer a more interactive study style, clink on the button Online materails that will take you to the page with online interactive books YouTube tutorials and online tutorials.